Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Recovering Uncertainty and Quantization

So after some thought, I think the problem of recovering uncertainty in this new model is surprisingly trivial - we just substitute the fact that mass is a standing wave for the idea that mass is a probability wave.  This doesn't get us all the way there, but it is a start - I think the idea that time is a closed cylinder will help, if we can find a geometric reason for this to impose constraints on behaviors.  We also need to find a way to explicitly include interactions with the probability dimensional manifold, a subject I may pay some attention to in a later post when I have more concrete thoughts.  (Yes, they get vaguer than this.  These are thoughts I figured out English language to describe.  Most of my thoughts aren't nearly so rigorous.)

Quantization, I suspect, is related to the problem of how momentum is transferred.  I can see a Lorentz contraction wave forming from a freefalling gravitational interaction - I have more trouble figuring out how to move this wave to another gravitational field, and I suspect the solution to this problem will be a two-body version of a the n-body problem that is quantization.  My intuition is that, if a body is not in freefall, the acceleration wave shape may be a little bit backwards, forming an anti-acceleration wave (or rather an acceleration wave which bends the Lorentz contraction in the opposite direction).  This is complicated by the fact that the three dimensional description of the Lorentz wave has no assymmetry in the orientation along it's vector - that is, from a three dimensional perspective, the Lorentz waveform is equally likely to go either backwards or forwards in the direction of propogation.  We probablyp need a time element there, and four dimensional waves are just the far side of my ability to intuitively predict the behavior of.

However, setting aside the fact that this problem is beyond my imagination to directly predict, it isn't beyond my ability to anticipate.  And one of the behaviors this interaction should have is cancellation - the act of transferring momentum cancels the momentum of the originally moving particle.

This is the two body version.  The N body version is going to require that a particle "colliding" with, say, two particles, results in both a preservation of the shape of the Lorentz contraction (albeit with vectors potentially changed), and also the cancellation of those parts of each particle's momentum such that the total end momentum is energetically equivalent.  This actually isn't as hard as it initially looks; it is just a perturbation problem involving three sets of particle interactions.  And if the two body problem works, each pair of particle interactions are two-body problems which also work.

What does this have to do with quantization?

Nothing, yet.  But it gives us a potential geometric description of the principle of least action (whatever reacts first cancels every other potential reaction out - if this works for momentum, it works for everything, since we can just Fourier transform things to demonstrate that the behaviors are equivalent).  We probably need our probability manifold to finish grtting quantization out of the system, but this is a start.

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