Thursday, March 25, 2021

Electrical Charge

 I'm pretty sure electrical charge doesn't exist; it is a fictitious force.  I've played with a few models to account for it.

There is of course the Kaluza-Klein approach, which I've previously discussed.  That is one viable approach, although I think it isn't a fifth dimension at all, if it is the case, but rather time itself.

It could also be one of the two complex dimensions involved in the spiral which gives rise to the unified field; that is, a fictitious (in a sense) dimension.  This has other interesting implications if correct.  This would be an anti-symmetric tensor.

However, my preferred explanation is that we don't need an explanation at all.

I think I've written about what I call "electron pressure" here before.  The basic idea here is that there is only the unified field theory.  Protons repel one another in some range that I am reasonably certain can't go higher than 10^6 meters (this distance is elegant for a number of reasons which I might get into later).  They attract beyond that - gravity.

This predicts that magnetic fields should have a curious transition at some distance around 10^5, give or take an exponent, in which they briefly disappear, then reverse polarity.  I've found limited evidence that some asteroid magnetic fields do indeed have curious behavior around this distance, but this evidence is very weak, since nobody would report on asteroid magnetic fields behaving normally at this distance.

Electrons, meanwhile, being antimatter, behave in exactly the opposite manner.  They are attracted in the range of distance that protons are repelled; they also repel each other, but only because they're going backwards in time, and from their own perspective they attract one another.

(This implies that they are repelled at gravitational distances, which may or may not be falsifiable with data from nebulae and solar plasma jets; I haven't been able to determine the truth)

The important thing here is that electrons move, from our perspective, very very fast.  Certain energy transfers happen so quickly we cannot observe them at all.  In particular, they are transferring energy between themselves and protons.  And very particularly, they can distribute the momentum the protons would otherwise accumulate as they move away from each other, canceling the momentum out entirely.  It is a delicate balance that is relatively easy to disrupt by adding additional energy.

Being a particular kind of stable, finite singularity, which cannot obtain any more mass on their own, they are perfect energy transfer mediums; no energy is lost to internal tidal effects.

One thing to note: I describe this as distinct explanations, but in a sense, they're kind of the same explanation.  If the Kaluza-Klein theory can be extended to a closed time dimension, it might be extensible to a semi-closed time dimension.

And the spiral of rotation-of-rotation is, in a sense, a kind of pseudo-closed-dimension.  Distance, and thus time, is getting rotated; in a very particular sense, an object traveling in a straight line towards or away from a mass is traversing the same distance/time over and over again, just rotated in different directions.

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