Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A Crackpot's Vision of Future Physics: The Unruh Effect

We expect to see the Unruh Effect in this model, even though the explanation differs.

In the Standard Model, the Unruh Effect is a (currently unconfirmed) prediction that a sufficiently-quickly accelerating observer will see blackbody radiation where we currently observe none, arising from the relative acceleration of quantum fluctuations in the vacuum state; essentially, the quantum fluctuations are "given" energy, relative to the observer, which allows them, again relative to the observer, to shift to other energy states, in particular photons.

Our model doesn't have vacuum quantum fluctuations.  What it (probably) does have, however, is sub-quantum-energy light - that is, light which has too low an amplitude to create state changes in particles, and thus is unobservable (at least in a way that is differentiable from uncertainty - which is to say, I don't think the predictions to actually differ from those of vacuum fluctuations).

Thus I expect this model to exhibit the Unruh Effect.

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