Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A Crackpot's Vision of Future Physics: Neutrinos

A potential model for neutrinos; partial singularities.

Considering Lorentz Contraction in terms of space-time curvature, a neutrino in this model is Lorentz Contraction which forms a singularity on only one side of the contraction, the denser side forward of the vector of motion.  If both sides of the contraction formed a singularity, we'd just end up with a particle in motion.  If we barely don't reach that threshold, however, we end up with a pseudoparticle, a partially formed singularity.

We have six cases to try to define.  Electron, Tau, and Muon, each coming in two chiralities.

This is fairly straightforward; it is the same phenomenon as spin, which I think is just orientation in the dominant of the two complex dimensions, where which is dominant depends on phase - sin(ln(x)) and cos(ln(x)) are the two complex dimensions.  Distance from what?  The local dominant source of gravity, with local doing a lot of heavy lifting.

Since neutrinos are asymmetrical in this concept, they have two axes of freedom for orientatiin, measured across a single axis (the dominant local axis).  If the singularity has a "center" in these axes, we have left, center, and right, arbitrarily.  We also have clockwise and anti-clockwise, considering the third dimension of motion, accounting for chirality - although this isn't, again, motion, but rather orientation.  "Center" here would amount to a lack of motion, and also a symmetric singularity.  Chirality in this sense can be considered equivalent to orientation in the Kaluza-Klein dimension, kind of.

The detecting particle, being a symmetric singularity, has more limitations; in terms of the complex dimensions, it has four possible orientations, two of which are antimatter (there are four possible configurations of the spiral).  Thus for matter there are two possible positions.

Since a given position on the complex spiral, in the sense of a singularity, also corresponds to mass, we observe the apparent mass of neutrinos varying with their phase, but in a rather inconsistent way (the orientations of a neutrino are more of a continuum).  However, this becomes an artifact of the unified field, rather than an intrinsic property of neutrinos themselves.

All this implies neutrinos can become particles, if traveling into a sufficiently strong gravity well, or dissipate into light, if traveling out of one.  It also implies light can coalesce into a neutrino, and then a particle, as it enters a gravity well.

A Crackpot's Vision of Future Physics: The Unruh Effect

We expect to see the Unruh Effect in this model, even though the explanation differs.

In the Standard Model, the Unruh Effect is a (currently unconfirmed) prediction that a sufficiently-quickly accelerating observer will see blackbody radiation where we currently observe none, arising from the relative acceleration of quantum fluctuations in the vacuum state; essentially, the quantum fluctuations are "given" energy, relative to the observer, which allows them, again relative to the observer, to shift to other energy states, in particular photons.

Our model doesn't have vacuum quantum fluctuations.  What it (probably) does have, however, is sub-quantum-energy light - that is, light which has too low an amplitude to create state changes in particles, and thus is unobservable (at least in a way that is differentiable from uncertainty - which is to say, I don't think the predictions to actually differ from those of vacuum fluctuations).

Thus I expect this model to exhibit the Unruh Effect.