Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Crackpot's Vision of Future Physics: Uncertainty

We've lost quantum mechanics.  We have not lost uncertainty, although we see a lot less of it.

There are a few reasons to expect to see something like uncertainty in the universe; the most important is locality.  Information can't exceed the speed of light, yet phenomena exist in the universe which must simultaneously be observed, yet simultaneously prohibit observation.  I am, of course, talking about black holes.
Within the event horizon, where does the singularity lay?  Impossible to say.  If the singularity were to move, the update wave to move the event horizon couldn't reach it to move it in turn.
Black holes are messy, mathematically.  White holes more so, being unapproachable from either side; matter can neither enter nor escape.  I don't know if white holes can even be said to be connected to our universe anymore; the spacial density interpretation suggests an effectively infinite distance involved, which implies to me that maybe the contents of white holes aren't meaningfully in our universe anymore, since spacetime should be conserved, and an infinite distance would otherwise fail to conserve it.
Black holes, by comparison, are still connected, albeit in a curious manner; there is still an infinite distance involved, however.  I think the interior edge of the event horizon of a singularity of either type can be described as a cylindrical dimension, and more, I think this cylindrical dimension may be the Kaluza-Klein dimension.  The surface area of an event horizon is two-dimensional, after all; I think the third dimension gets closed on itself.
If, as I posit in the section on time, the Kaluza-Klein dimension is what physics refers to as time, this means time may be a phenomenon that arises from singularities themselves.  Thus, particles are three dimensional; two dimensions form a surface area that connects their spacetime to the rest of the universe, and the third dimension gets bound up and closed.  In fact, all three dimensions are effectively closed, but this is a little hard to conceptualize.

When we remember that mass is a wave, and in particular a standing wave that occupies the entire universe, however, the nature of the connection between our closed three dimensional construct and the open three dimensions we are more familiar with gets a little... odd.  We could say it is connected where it is connected, and just posit an origin, a particular space it occupies.  But we come into this already knowing that there's going to be some oddities involving position, because we have observed them.

There's a simple solution, of sorts.  The closed three dimensional area of a singularity particle is only partially connected to the universe, through its own mass wave; there is an origin, but the particle actually occupies the entire universe, proportional to the amplitude of its mass wave at that position.  (Well, there are zeroes in its wave, places it doesn't occupy.)  This is equivalent, in some significant respects, to uncertainty; it is less that mass has an uncertain position, however, so much that position ceases to be a particularly meaningful concept.

This ends up working surprisingly well, in a specific way: Acceleration isn't a discrete operation.  You don't accelerate "the particle", you accelerate some portion of it's mass wave.  It will self-correct over time, at lightspeed, but if there are multiple possible end destinations (as with the double slit experiment), you can temporarily split the mass wave, and it will self-interfere until it stabilizes.  The section on Collisions describes part of this process.

This hints at an explanation for the fact that position and velocity have a similar factor in uncertainty: Velocity is only ever a transformation of a part of the mass wave.

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